The Truman Show (1998)

(In theaters, June 1998) “The best movie of the decade”? Not really. “One of the better Hollywood films in a while?” Probably. Penned by Andrew Nicol (of the excellent Gattaca, which shares many similarities with The Truman Show), this lighthearted (but darkish) socio-fiction is a surprisingly good vehicle for Jim Carrey (who had more or less prepared for this role with last year’s Liar Liar). The concept is about as high as they come (a man finds out that his whole life is a TV show) and so it’s no surprise that the movie isn’t as good as we would imagine it to be. Several aspects of the script, and the way it chose to resolve some issues, are especially disappointing and fall apart under closer scrutiny. But no matter: The Truman Show, like Gattaca, works better when considered as a loose metaphor rather than an literal work. It’s not close to being perfect, but it’s still recommended viewing. And the closing scene is almost perfect, although most viewers won’t realize that ultimately, the joke is about them.