Mickey Blue Eyes (1999)

(On VHS, September 2000) Released only a few months after the “other” mob comedy Analyze This, this Hugh Grant vehicle works, but only just. It’s rather more funny than expected in its first half, but a few unwise plot choices, scripting problems and predictable ending take away from the film’s enjoyment. (The script problems get worse and worse as the film advances. Just ask yourself why everyone has to be at the end wedding.) The film is unsuccessful at marrying (ho-ho) comedy with the omnipresent threat represented by the mafia. Some setups are so obvious they’re ridiculous. Jeanne Tripplehorn looks remarkably like Geena Davis in this film—the fact that her character is named Gina isn’t coincidental to this impression. James Caan is a lot of fun as the mob dad and Hugh Grant is as floppily charming as always.