Fallen (1998)

(On TV, April 2001) It’s not the first film to feature a body-hopping serial-killing demon and until it puts all of its cards on the table, Fallen runs a bit too long, a bit too slowly. Once the premise is fully exposed, however, the film becomes more potent, up to the disappointing shaggy dog conclusion. (I think I could see a way out of the ending, but it might not have been as effective as what’s presented on-screen.) Denzel Washington is his usual dependable self as the lead policeman. The direction is effective, though maybe a bit too overeager on “demon-view” shots. Some of the framing mechanisms (both the narration and the ways the protagonist is set up by ze daemon) are weak. On the other hand, it’s a cut above most supernatural horror thriller you’re likely to see. Not bad.