Dark Blue (2002)

(In theaters, February 2003) Corrupt cops are a dime a dozen in movies, but we should be so lucky as to have them played by Kurt Russell! His take on a cop whose sense of justice doesn’t stop at legal technicalities is one of the best things he’s done in years. The story isn’t terribly original (the similarities of Training Day may stem from the fact that both scripts were written by the same person), but it carries itself ably up to the third act, which is brought down by a hideous coincidence, a gratuitous “big speech” ending and a lack of resonance with 1992’s L.A. riots. Dark Blue isn’t a film that’s going to be remembered a few years from now, but it’s decent enough entertainment; the type of thing you see on late-night TV and watch with a vaguely satisfying impression. There’s real fun in seeing an unorthodox police investigation produce some results and, as mentioned, seeing Kurt Russell in a meaty role for once.