1. why do so many reviewers feel the need to trash 2012? Is not due to bad acting (none in film), or lousy dialogue (id challenge anyone to find some).

    ‘Sure, the cast of characters is either pretty (Thandie Newton! Amanda Peet!), competent (Chiwetel Ejiofor, Danny Glover) or entertaining (John Cusack, Oliver Platt).

    Ejiofor is a great actor, and his character was very well acted. same with Platts Anheuser…You missed the comic gem in Harrelsons Charlie Frost.

    The third act is not limp…or did you miss the Antonov crash! the political comments, the cliffhanger in the ships underbelly etc..

    SO why so many limp reviews? Are people embarrassed to find they enjoy the film?

    1. Hello Brian,

      2012 is the definition of a guilty pleasure: It’s a disaster film that begs to be considered as escapist pop-entertainment. As such, don’t be surprised if it leaves demanding reviewers unsatisfied. Still, I think that reviewers will be willing to acknowledge the film’s strengths, from fantastic disaster sequences to the actors doing what they can with the material they’re given.

      Still, even when seen as a disaster film, 2012 does make a few mistakes. It front-loads its strongest sequences at the beginning, which makes latter suspense scenes such as the Antonov crash feel weaker in comparison. It also becomes far too talky at a time when it should be accelerating toward a conclusion, which also weakens a third act that should become stronger and stronger. Meanwhile, the political commentary is nothing we haven’t seen in similar films such as When Worlds Collide or Deep Impact.

      Still, I’m not embarrassed to say that I will buy the DVD as soon as I see it for sale under $10 –as long as there’s a detailed documentary on the special effects.

  2. ‘It also becomes far too talky at a time when it should be accelerating toward a conclusion, which also weakens a third act that should become stronger and stronger. ‘

    i must disagree…one criticism of such movies is all action, little and lame dialogue. The middle portion is more thoughtful, on the two planes. As it should be…The wave and cliff hanger in the ships bowels were acceptable climaxes.

    My favorite is the ‘The president of the lourve is an enemy of humanity sequence’…

    Notice too how Helmsely keeps losing his tete-a-tetes with Anheuser…till the climax of the film…

    ‘When Worlds Collide’ or Deep Impact doesnt end up with the first world nations(G8!) seeking a third world refugee!

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