1. Oddly enough, before this book/movie I would have disagreed with seeing the movie first. I actually read the book 10 years ago and then realized while watching the movie that I had. I enjoyed the happier ending and am rereading the book, and while reading your review realized how right you are. The movie (scenes visualized, actual actors to put with characters, even a dead on accent in a certain voice) makes the book a whole other experience.

    1. Indeed. This “read after viewing”policy means that I will often hold off on reading books in my to-be-read pile if I’m aware that a movie adaptation is coming up, and will almost as a matter of policy re-read familiar books after seeing their movie adaptation. And that’s not considering the times I’ve used a movie as a springboard to justify reading a book I should have read a long time ago –current example being Edgar Rice Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars soon after seeing John Carter.

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