1. I enjoyed what your blog. Being a Dean Koontz fan myself I was able to identify with what you were saying. I purchased a book on the “Dean Koontz formula”. It went on to describe not only his writing style but also his formula that he uses to create his books. You would be led to believe that the magician had just given away his secret but that was hardly the case. You can copy the formula but to be able to actually write the way he does is something only he can do.

    I’ve written a couple of blogs myself:
    Drop me a line!

    1. Hi Nick,

      I agree that the Koontz “formula” (like many other formulas in genre fiction) can easily be described, but not as easily replicated. Up to a certain point, that’s what distinguishes best-selling genre fiction authors from the others: Not only the ability to come up with a formula, but execute it so well that it appears quite a bit easier than it actually is. As I’ve said –I may not find Koontz’ fiction to my liking, but I admire his success and wish him the best. (The same goes for his readers!)

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