1. I thank you very much for your insight on Mr. Egan’s first work “An Unusual Angle”. Especially since I was on the verge of making the decision to buy a rare, out-of-print copy of the book for $250.00. Instead, I am going to reflect on my own pitiful four years of high school, waiting for the real world to begin.

  2. Greg gave me a copy many years ago when we lived in Sydney . . . but somehow, it’s gone and got itself lost. I would LOVE to find a copy somewhere – even better, the Man himself!

    Greg, if you happen to read this, we last sat in my lounge room in East Vic Park (with Kylie) talking about some mathematical concepts c’85 . . . Would love to catch up 😉

  3. I read this as a preteen and I remember being so shocked and horrified at the ending that the memory has stuck with me for forty years….

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