About: What’s New Archives
Here is a list of all changes to this site to date. It’s for historical/archival purposes. The links don’t work. You don’t have to read it at all.
- March 1995: Humble beginnings.
- April-August 1995: A few more text files, small corrections
- [1.0] September 1995: First “official” version of the page. Still sucked.
- January 1996: Due to peer pressure, graphics. Also: The Starlords Universe.
- April 1996: New text tiles, reworking of the BioInfo section.
- June 1996: More new text files
- October 1996: New book reviews, banners, background, NavBars. Better HTML code too!
- January 1997: Softer, gentler graphics. New book reviews and other text files.
- May 1997: Hi-tech page, new text files.
- July 1997: No more Starlords or job links, new book reviews, new graphic banners, new Links and Feedback page.
- March 1998: Formal “update” of a site steadily enhanced over a few months. New book reviews, 1997 Summer Movies Summary, new/updated links and small details.
- [2.0] April 1998: This is it! New layout, newer attitude. Integration of the high-tech page, new Books Reviews, a few French short stories, assorted odds and ends, in addition to a plea for a job. (i.e.; my resume.)
- May 1998: New book reviews, a few subtle changes and assorted bug fixes.
- June 1998: New book reviews. Even more bug fixes.
- July 1998: Guess what? New book reviews. Some trivial changes and new links.
- August 1998: Mid-Summer extravaganza! Book Reviews, yes, but also 100 Favorite Movies, A Usenet Primer, updates to the About this Page metapage and the Christian Sauvé FAQ and more!
- September 1998: Of course, more Book Reviews. Also: The can.arts.sf charter/FAQ (offline:June 2003) and an essay on Self-Imposed Privacy on the Web.
- November 1998: One month late means two months’ worth of updates! Book Reviews For September and October! The Con*Cept/Boréal’98 Convention Report! Movies of Summer 1998! A bibliographical essay on Science Fiction and the Public Service, both in French and in English! Updated résumé! Also; new links, tweaks and a fix to a humongous bug on the Feedback page. Wow, what an update!
- [3.0] December 1998: All good things must end, and it is with great sadness that Christian Sauvé’s Very Own Official Web Site leaves its birth site at aix2.uottawa.ca to go to xoom.com. Seizing this opportunity, considerable structural changes and corrections are made to the site. Plus! New Book Reviews and some thoughts on book reviews. Enjoy!
- January 1999: Y2K minus 12… New Book Reviews and SFF’98.
- February 1999: Y2K minus 11… New Book Reviews, Index of 1998 Book Reviews and Moviegoing 1998
- March 1999: Y2K minus 10… New Book Reviews.
- April 1999: Y2K minus… But who’s counting? New Book Reviews.
- May 1999: Oh well, new Book Reviews.
- June 1999: Yowsah! New image banners, updated résumé and new Book Reviews. Numerous small changes and updates to the 100-Films list.
- July 1999: New Book Reviews and a behind-the-scene upgrade to FrontPage 4.0!
- August 1999: New Book Reviews and an updated 100 Favorite
- September 1999: New Book Reviews, an essay on How to get free movie tickets and a preview of “Movies of Summer’99: The Essay and The Parody.”
- October 1999: New Book Reviews and Movies of Summer’99: The Essay.
- November 1999: New Book Reviews. Deletion of some outdated material.
- December 1999: No millennial panic: The usual Book Reviews. Implementation of a Cascading Style Sheet file.
- January 2000: New Book Reviews, Movies of 1999. Plus, addition of a much-needed navigation bar to the “content” pages.
- February 2000: New Book Reviews, Index of 1999 Book Reviews and complete behind-the-scenes /reviews/ directory reorganization.
- March-April 2000: Hey, everyone needs vacations once in a while…
- May 2000: New Book Reviews for February, March, and April. Numerous tweaks and corrections.
- July 2000: New Book Reviews for May and June.
- September 2000: New Book Reviews for July and August. Updated Top-100 Films list. Migration to a New server (geocities.com).
- October 2000: Who’s your critic? beta version (now gone), new September reviews and a re-organization of the “Reviews” section to better showcase the movie reviews.
- November 2000: New October reviews.
- [Version 4.0] January 2001 : After a short hiatus, the site is back for a new millennium with a slightly new look, new book reviews for November and December as well as the Movies of 2000 retrospective, a list of 100 good books of the 1990s and an enhanced Movie reviews section.
- May 2001: After a long winter, new reviews for January , February and March. Working on the backlog.
- July 2001: April and May reviews. Plus! My trip to New York.
- September 2001: June , July and August reviews. Hmm, is that the sweet sound of a backlog disappearing?
- October 2001: September reviews and a 1999 update to my Top-100 Films list. The ongoing Films of 2001 reviews page starts to take shape.
- November 2001: October reviews.
- December 2001: November reviews and my World Fantasy Convention 2001 report.
- January 2002: December reviews and a handy Reviews of 2001 index.
- February 2002: XHTML, baby! (Or, at least, a first attempt at it.) Thorough site revision, behind-the-scenes upgrade to FrontPage 2002 and a major CSS-based redesign. January reviews. New pages: The Amazon ISBN Bookmarklets, Index of all book reviews, 1996-2001. Busy, busy!
- [Version 5.0] March 2002: Welcome to www.christian-sauve.com, an odyssey described in Turning Pro. February reviews. Bare-bones Moviegoing 2001. Oh, and greater XHTML compliance, along with more CSS tricks.
- April 2002: Let’s celebrate spring with a rant on losing weight, the final version of Moviegoing 2001 and March reviews. Slight re-working of the Contact and Review pages.
- May 2002: April reviews as well as a new recurring feature: April site statistics, with a fascinating glimpse at the search engine queries used to find this site!
- June 2002: May site statistics and reviews.
- July 2002: Jeepers! A site favicon! Bookmark us now! Plus, the site inches closer toward XHTML 1.1 Strict, with assorted DTDs. (Sadly, not all pages validate. Yet.) Also: Musings on whether To Blog or Not to Blog as well as the inevitable June reviews and site statistics. Oh, and a January-June index of 2002 reviews.
- August 2002: Holidays. Well, okay; a series of off-site emergencies.
- September 2002: July and August reviews, as well as July and August site statistics. Consequent creation of my Movies of 2002 page.
- October 2002: An umbrella-page for my Site Statistics, the usual monthly reviews and site statistics, a separate Administrivia page (now linked from every page footer) and a thank-you for everyone who contacts me.
- November 2002: October reviews and site statistics. As for the rest, well, cut me some slack: I’m writing a novel this month.
- December 2002: A quick and dirty explanation of the movie SOLARIS (2002), to answer all those “Solaris movie explanation” search queries. You can also read the final version of my NaNoWriMo weblog, about writing a complete novel in thirty days. The monthly November site statistics are up, but you’ll have to wait until January for the reviews, given my backlog of stuff to do à cause de NaNoWriMo.
- January 2003: As promised, November and December reviews. December site statistics are also available, as is the complete version of my handy Reviews of 2002 index. Also updated: My 100 Favourite films list!
- February 2003: January site statistics, January Reviews and my Moviegoing 2002 page are now available. A Short Site History rewritten, renamed and split up in separate sections, giving birth to a What’s New Archive page. Some fiddling with the CSS for better legibility and printability, not entirely successful.
- March 2003: I’m editing a novel. Read the daily log and leave me alone. To keep you busy, please have a look at the February statistics and reviews.
- April 2003: I’m still editing a novel. Normal web-related activities are on hiatus until I’m done. In the meantime, have a look at the March web site statistics.
- May 2003: Please enjoy the April web site statistics as well as the March and April reviews.
- June 2003: Thanks to Dreamweaver MX, the site now validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict. Whee! The usual reviews and site statistics are, of course, available to all.
- July 2003: First, here’s an essay on Being Canadian to celebrate Canada Day. Then the usual reviews and site statistics. Plus, being mid-year, the index of 2003 reviews is created.
- August 2003: Yup, here’s the monthly site statistics and reviews. Creation of the Movies of 2003 page.
- September 2003: Yes, yes, the monthly reviews and site statistics. But please take a look at my illustrated Worldcon 2003 convention report whenever you’ve got time, as well as sort of a logical follow-up to the Worldcon, my list of Alternate Hugo Awards from 1951 to 2001..
- October 2003: The monthly site statistics and reviews are up.
- November 2003: Yes, I’m writing a novel once more this month. Follow my progress on my daily NaNoWriMo journal. Subtle behind-the-scenes shift to Dreamweaver MX 2004. Monthly statistics are up. Reviews to follow next month. Meanwhile, please enjoy the Google-powered goodness of my new search page!
- December 2003: Catching up is hard to do. Have a look at my November web statistics while I work at those reviews. Integration of the Search page to the navbar, along with a subtle tightening of security behind the scenes.
- January 2004: Backlog, you say? No more, my friends: Catch up on a quarter’s worth of reviews with October, November and December. Whew! When you’re done, chase it all off with a shot of December web statistics and the first iteration of my Moviegoing-2003 page. Given that this is a brand new year, the 2003 Book Reviews Index was updated, along with the complete 1996-2003 Book Reviews Index.
- February 2004: January site statistics and reviews. Also, I’m polishing a novel this month; have a look at the daily journal!
- March 2004: February reviews and site statistics. I should have polished a novel this month, but instead I redesigned the site. Go figure.
- April 2004: March site statistics and reviews. Significant update to my Reviews FAQ. Not much progress on polishing a novel.
- May 2004: Let’s keep it simple: April reviews and site statistics.
- June 2004: May site statistics and reviews. A laughable amount of progress in polishing a novel.
- July 2004: June reviews and site statistics now available for your enjoyment. Plus, with six month’s worth of stuff on the site, the handy 2004 book reviews index is created.
- August 2004: Don’t be shy and do enjoy my July reviews and July site statistics.
- September 2004: August Reviews and August site statistics are here, but my Worldcon 2004 Noreascon4 report is the one you should read first. (Heck, it even has a Boston trip report and pictures!) A brand-new Movies of 2004 page is also up.
- October 2004: The usual September reviews and September site statistics. I’m also revving up for NaNoWriMo 2004…
- November 2004: October Reviews and October site statistics for October are here, but please don’t bother any further as I wrestle with the National Novel Writing Month on a daily basis.
- December 2004: November Site Statistics are here, but give me a few more weeks for the reviews, as I’m still trying to recover from the National Novel Writing Month.
- January 2005: And the backlog goes poof with November reviews, December reviews, December site statistics, an updated index of all 2004 book reviews, an updated index of all 1996-2004 book reviews and a first cut at my Moviegoing 2004 list. Whew!
- February 2005: January 2005 Site Report are here and so are the January 2005 reviews. My Moviegoing 2004 retrospective is also more or less finished.
- March 2005: February 2005 Site Report and February 2005 reviews, piping hot and ready for your perusal. Plus, guess what, it’s the tenth anniversary of this web site!
- April 2005: Start with the March 2005 site report and then work your way to the March 2005 reviews.
- May 2005: Reviews and Site Report will have to wait until June, as I spend most of this month recovering from eye laser surgery. See you (better) soon!
- June 2005: The world is still blurry, but I’m back with a double helping of April 2005 Site Report and May 2005 Site Report, as well as the April 2005 reviews and May 2005 reviews.
- July 2005: June 2005 Statistics and June 2005 Reviews are up, late given my early-month holiday in beautiful downtown Calgary for Westercon58. Also updated: Laser Vision!
- August 2005: Crikey! July 2005 reviews are here, and so are the July 2005 Site Report. Also updated: Laser Vision!, Being Canadian and Alternate Hugos.
- September 2005: Have a laugh at the August 2005 Site Report, then take a look at the August 2005 reviews.
- October 2005: As usual, the September 2005 statistics are up and so are the September 2005 reviews.
- November 2005: Here are the Site Report for October 2005. As far as the reviews are concerned, you will have to wait until next month: I’m writing a novel.
- December 2005: Site Report for November 2005, of course, plus October 2005 reviews and November 2005 reviews to catch up on the backlog.
- January 2006: The December 2005 Site Report is here, and so are the super-sized year-end December 2005 Reviews. Housekeeping material: A big list of all hundred 2005 Book Reviews and an updated list of All 1996-2005 Book Reviews.
- February 2006: January 2006 Site Report and January 2006 Reviews are right here.
- March 2006: February 2006 Site Report and February 2006 Reviews.
- April 2006: March 2006 Site Report and March 2006 Reviews.
- May 2006: Right here: April 2006 Site Report. Still stuck in traffic: The reviews.
- June 2006: …and we’re back with May 2006 Site Report and April 2006 Reviews.
- July 2006: Goodbye backlog: June 2006 Site Report, as well as May 2006 Reviews and June 2006 Reviews .
- August 2006: Site Report for July 2006, along with July 2006 reviews. For a limited time only: My Los Angeles/Worldcon travel blog.
- September 2006: August 2006 Site Report. Early drafts: Los Angeles 2006 and my L.A.Con IV Worldcon Report. Updated: Alternate Hugos. Reviews? Not this month.
- October 2006: September 2006 Site Report. August 2006 Reviews. September 2006 Reviews. Updated L.A.Con IV Worldcon report. Updated Laser Vision! Also preparing to write another novel.
- November 2006: October 2006 Site Report. Everything will have to wait in December, as I’m spending this month writing my fifth novel.
- December 2006: November 2006 Site Report. Final version of my L.A.Con IV Worldcon report. Updated Free Movie Tickets essay (now with extra-contrarian epilogue!). Given that the novel is done, poof goes the backlog: the October 2006 Reviews and November 2006 Reviews are now ready for you, if you are ready for them.
- January 2007: Now available: December 2006 Site Report and December 2006 Reviews. End-of-year housekeeping: 2006 Book Reviews Index, updated Full list of Book Reviews, early entries in the Movies of 2006 page.
- February 2007: Right here: January 2007 Site Report. Still outside shoveling snow: January reviews.
- March 2007: February 2007 Site Report now available, even as I work on that pesky backlog of reviews. Also: some fiddling with the site’s CSS may break your eyes.
- April 2007: March 2007 Site Report now available. In other news, the reviews backlog would be taking over my life if I had any life left to be taken over.
- May 2007: April 2007 Site Report. I haven’t given up on the backlog of reviews, but I would dearly love some time to do something about it.
- June 2007: Don’t talk to me about the backlog. Instead, feast your eyes on the May 2007 Site Report and have a look at my pictures of Chicago 2007.
- July 2007: First, the obvious: June 2007 Site Report. Then I manage to take a modest stab (Stab! Stab! Stab!) at the backlog with January 2007 Reviews, February 2007 Reviews and June 2007 Reviews. Also: Extra patter and context on the Chicago 2007 travelogue.
- August 2007: July 2007 Site Report is up, while work goes on behind the scenes to catch up on the reviews backlog. Proof: March 2007 Reviews, July 2007 Reviews and (in a surprise advance twist) August 2007 Reviews. As for the rest, we’ll get there, don’t worry.
- September 2007: Backlog? All gone: April 2007 Reviews and May 2007 Reviews complete the set so far, though quality is, er, lacking. Still: Whew! Even I wasn’t sure I could do it. Also: August 2007 Site Report.
- October 2007: Here are the September 2007 Site Report. I’d love to give you your reviews, but I’m off to two different conventions this month, and one of them involves a trip to Vancouver.
- November 2007: Wider pages! Smaller fonts!
- December 2007: Holidays. Busy. Don’t bother.
- December 2008: Holidays. I’m not working on this site other than to give you this November 2008 Site Report.
- November 2008: I’m writing a novel this month. Non-novel updates may be scarce. Until the end of the ordeal, here is the October 2008 Site Report.
- October 2008: Nobody thought it was possible, but the backlog is given a coup de grâce with the August 2008 Reviews and September 2008 reviews. Also: September 2008 Site Report and placeholders for my Denvention3 Convention Report and Denver 2008 travelogue (photos to come!)
- September 2008: We get roaring again with the August 2008 Site Report, as well as May 2008 Reviews, June 2008 Reviews and July 2008 Reviews.
- August 2008: Goodbye! I’m off to the Denvention3 Worldcon, and you can read all about it (for a limited time only) on my Denver Travel Journal. Also: July 2008 Site Report.
- July 2008: More sacrifices to the altar of get-it-done, no matter the quality or the editing: March 2008 Reviews and April 2008 Reviews. Belated behind-the-scene upgrade to Dreamweaver CS3, as well as the June 2008 Site Report.
- June 2008: Perfectionism, quality and the backlog all take a significant step backwards with January 2008 Reviews, February 2008 Reviews and the usual May 2008 Site Report.
- May 2008: Getting rid of the illusion that these reviews will ever be perfect is the first step in putting an end to the backlog. Feast upon September 2007 Reviews, October 2007 Reviews, November 2007 Reviews and December 2007 Reviews. Plus, some housekeeping via the Complete 2007 Reviews Index (Complete 1996-2007 Reviews Index also updated) and the first six months of Movies of 2007. Oh, also: April 2008 Site Report.
- April 2008: Work on the backlog is proceeding at a furious pace. Until the flood, nibble on an exclusive March 2008 Site Report.
- March 2008: You probably think that I’m never going to catch up on the backlog and you are wrong. (The stuff’s been written, it just needs to be re-written. Heavily.) The full magnitude of your wrongness, however, will not be demonstrated this month as I’m busy going to Florida for a week (Read my Travel Blog!). In the meantime, have a February 2008 Site Report, willya?
- February 2008: Working on the backlog. In the meantime: January 2008 Site Report with extra Google Analytics action and a hint of things to come!
- January 2008: Have I neglected this site so long? Open the floodgates with the October 2007 Site Report, November 2007 Site Report, December 2007 Site Report, etc. Miscellaneous updates here and there. Behind the scenes: Experiments with Google Analytics.
- January 2009: I’m back. Some fiddling with the CSS. While you wait for the backlog, feast your eyes on an underwhelming December 2008 Site Report.
- February 2009: I’ve got to stop editing those reviews in batches, but until then, enjoy the October 2008 Reviews, November 2008 Reviews and December 2008 Reviews, along with the Complete 2008 Reviews Index, as well as an updated 1996-2008 Reviews Index. Plus, if you can’t get to sleep, the January 2009 Site Report.
- March 2009: Backlog goes poof-poof-poof with the January 2009 Reviews and the February 2009 Reviews. Also; Don’t bother me, I’m editing a novel. Finally; February 2009 Site Report.
- April 2009: Barely under the wire, but still on schedule: March 2009 Reviews. Sort-of-updated (but still useless) Links page. March 2009 Site Report.
- May 2009: Still under the wire, but still on time: April 2009 Reviews and April 2009 Site Report.
- June 2009: May 2009 Reviews and May 2009 Site Report. Enjoy the site as it is now, because there are huge changes coming in July.
- July 2009: Complete site redesign. Obsolescence of this page.
Later updates are still featured on the Home page.