The Witches (1990)
(In French, On Cable TV, September 2019) The thought of Nicholas Roeg—a director better known for elliptical, atmospheric, often violent movies—handling a children’s film is odd, but it may explain why The Witches often plays harder and harsher than other kids’ movies. Those sequences in which the witches reveal their form, or their plans to kill every kid in England, go substantially farther than most other such films. Roeg obviously plays well with the source material, Roald Dahl’s famously misanthropic novel. Still, the film is very competently handled, and can benefit from the very well-cast Angelica Huston as the head witch. There’s some interesting pre-CGI animal work in the second half of the film as our protagonist is transformed into a mouse. The final sequence is suitably chaotic, with plenty of revenge delivered unto the antagonists. It does amount to an occasionally off-putting but successful film for older kids—you can credit Roeg for using his veteran’s skills to deliver the result.